Studying the Social Determinants of Phenotype in group living animals
Vincent A. Viblanc

(Students and postdocs underlined)​​
Noiret A, Lewden A, Lemonnier C, Bocquet C, Montblanc M, Bertile F, Hoareau M, Marcon E, Robin JP, Viblanc VA, Stier A. 2024. Mind the polar sun: Solar radiations trigger frequent heat stress in breeding king penguins, despite relatively cool air temperatures. bioRxiv.​
Moreno-Borrallo A, Jaramillo-Ortiz S, Schaeffer-Reiss C, Quintard B, Rey B, Bize P, Viblanc VA, Boulinier T, Chastel O, Gutiérrez JS, Masero JA, Bertile F, Criscuolo F. 2024. Variation in albumin glycation rates in birds suggests resistance to relative hyperglycaemia rather than conformity to the pace of life syndrome hypothesis. bioRxiv.
Sosa S, Pasquaretta C, Puga-Gonzalez I, Dobson FS, Viblanc VA, Hoppitt W. 2021. Reliable hypotheses testing in animal social network analyses: global index, index of interactions and residual regression. bioRxiv.
Dobson FS, Saraux C, Coltman, D, Raveh S, Viblanc VA. 2025. Comparing lifetime and annual fitness measures reveals differences in selection outcomes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, in press.
Hammer TL, Bize P, Gineste B, Robin JP, Groscolas R, Viblanc VA. 2025. Life history stage effects on alert and flight initiation distances in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Behavioral Processes, in press.
Viblanc VA & Muller-Landau EC 2025. Insights into ecology, evolution, and global change responses from very long-term studies. Ecology Letters, in press.
Moreno-Borrallo A, Jaramillo-Ortiz S, Schaeffer-Reiss C, Quintard B, Rey B, Bize P, Viblanc VA, Boulinier T, Chastel O, Gutiérrez JS, Masero JA, Bertile F, Criscuolo F. 2024. Variation in albumin glycation rates in birds suggests resistance to relative hyperglycaemia rather than conformity to the pace of life syndrome hypothesis. eLife,13:RP103205
Dobson FS, Koons DN, Saraux C, Tamian A, Oli M, Viblanc VA. 2024. The demographic basis of population growth: a 32-year transient life table response experiment. Ecology Letters, 27: e14512.
Lemonnier C, Schull Q, Stier A, Boonstra R, Delahanty B, Lefol E, Durand L, Pardonnet S, Robin JP, Criscuolo F, Bize P, Viblanc VA. 2024. Social, not genetic, programming of development and stress physiology of a colonial seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291: 20240853.​​
Tamian A, Viblanc VA*, Dobson FS, Saraux C*. 2024. Population density and vegetation resources influence demography in a hibernating herbivorous mammal. Oecologia, 205: 497-513 * Co-senior authors
Viblanc VA, Pardonnet S, Tamian A, McCaw LK, Dobson FS, Boonstra R. 2024. Down-regulating the stress axis: living in the present while preparing for the future. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 354: 114541
Lewden A, Ward C, Noiret A, Avril S, Abolivier L, Gérard C, Hammer TL, Raymond E, Robin JP, Viblanc VA, Bize P, Stier A. 2024. Surface temperatures are influenced by handling stress independently of corticosterone levels in wild king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Journal of Thermal Biology, 121: 103850
Maxwell C, Viblanc VA, McDougall P, Neuhaus P, Caulkett N, Ruckstuhl K. 2024. Paying attention to attention: intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting vigilance bout and stare durations in bighorns. Animal Behaviour, 212: 31-37
​Cossin-Sevrin N, Stier A, Hukkanen M, Zahn S, Viblanc VA, Anttila K, Ruuskanen S. 2023. Early-life environmental effects on mitochondrial aerobic metabolism: a brood size manipulation in wild great tits. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226: jeb245932
Tamian A, Edwards PD, Neuhaus P, Boonstra R, Neuhaus Ruckstuhl A, Emmanuel P, Pardonnet S, Palme R, Filippi D, Dobson FS, Saraux C*, Viblanc VA*. 2023. Weathering the storm: decreased activity and glucocorticoid levels in response to inclement weather in breeding Columbian ground squirrels. Hormones & Behavior, 155: 105426. * Co-senior authors
Dobson FS, Saraux C, Viblanc VA. 2023. Phenotypic plasticity in reproductive and somatic efforts of female Columbian ground squirrels. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 102: 228-238
Hammer TL, Bize P, Gineste B, Robin JP, Groscolas R, Viblanc VA. 2023. Disentangling the “many-eyes”, “dilution effect”, “selfish herd”, and “distracted prey” hypotheses in shaping alert and flight initiation distance in a colonial seabird. Behavioural Processes, 210: 104919
Schull Q, Beauvieux A, Viblanc VA, Metral L, Leclerc L, Romero D, Permet F, Quéré C, Derolez V, Munaron D, McKindsey CW, Saraux C*, Bourjea J*. 2023. An integrative perspective on fish health: environmental and anthropogenic pathways affecting fish stress. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194: 115318. * Co-senior authors
Criscuolo F, Viblanc VA, Schradin C. 2023. Solitary species age too, and fast ! Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38: 697-698
Cillard A, Fuentes Rodriguez T, Robin JP, Bize P, Stier A, Viblanc VA. 2023. Sharing your snack: unusual observation of a chick-chick feeding occurrence in colonial king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Behaviour, 160: 489-498.
- Lemonnier C, Bize P, Boonstra R, Dobson FS, Criscuolo F, Viblanc VA. 2022. Effects of the social environment on vertebrate health: moving beyond the stress axis. Hormones & Behavior, 145: 105232.
- Quque M, Ferreira C, Sosa S, Schull Q, Zahn S, Criscuolo F, Bleu J, Viblanc VA. 2022. Cascading effects of conspecific aggression on oxidative status and telomere length in zebra finches. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 95: 416-429.
- Viblanc VA, Criscuolo F, Sosa S, Schull Q, Boonstra R, Saraux C, Lejeune M, Roth JD, Uhlrich P, Zahn S, Dobson FS. 2022. Telomere dynamics in a mammal: recovery after hibernation and loss after reproduction. Oecologia, 199: 301-312.
- Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Tamian A, Criscuolo F, Coltman DW, Raveh S, Murie JO, Dobson FS. 2022. Measuring fitness and inferring natural selection from long-term field studies: different measures lead to nuanced conclusions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76: 79.
- Cossin-Sevrin N, Hsu B-Y, Marciau C, Viblanc VA, Ruuskanen S, Stier A. 2022. Developmental plasticity of mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, growth and survival by prenatal glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones: an experimental test in wild great tits. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 225: jeb243414.
- ​Corrigendum published in The Journal of Experimental Biology, 227: jeb249355
- Tamian A, Viblanc VA*, Dobson FS, Neuhaus P, Hammer TL, Nesterova AP, Raveh S, Skibiel AL, Broussard D, Manno TG, Rajamani N, Saraux C*. 2022. Integrating microclimatic variation in phenological responses to climate change: a 28-year study in a hibernating mammal. Ecosphere, 13: e4059. * Co-senior authors​
- Roth JD, Dobson FS, Neuhaus P, Abebe A, Barra T, Boonstra R, Edwards PD, Gonzalez MA, Hammer TL, Harscouet E, McCaw LK, Mann M, Palme R, Tissier M, Uhlrich P, Saraux C, Viblanc VA. 2022. Territorial scent-marking effects on vigilance behavior, space use, and stress in female Columbian ground squirrels. Hormones & Behavior, 139: 105111.
- Corrigendum published in Hormones & Behavior 2022, 146:105255
- Hammer TL, Bize P, Saraux C, Gineste B, Robin JP, Groscolas R, Viblanc VA. 2022. Repeatability of alert and flight initiation distance in king penguins: effects of colony, approach speed and weather. Ethology, 128: 303-316.
Barra T*, Viblanc VA*, Saraux C, Murie JO, Dobson FS. 2021. Parental investment in the Columbian ground squirrel: empirical tests of sex allocation models. Ecology, 102: e03479. * Co-first authors​
Photo Gallery: ​Barra T*, Viblanc VA*, Saraux C, Murie JO, Dobson FS. 2021. Is it a boy or a girl ? Testing hypotheses to explain variable sex ratios in Columbian ground squirrels. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 102: e01925.​ * Co-first authors
Rubach K, Dobson FS, Zinner B, Viblanc VA. 2020. Comparing fitness measures and the influence of age of first reproduction in Columbian ground squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy, 101: 1302-1312.
Dobson FS, Murie JO, Viblanc VA. 2020. Fitness estimation for ecological studies: an evaluation in Columbian ground squirrels. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 216.
Constant T, Giroud S, Viblanc VA, Tissier M, Bergeron P, Dobson FS, Habold C. 2020. Integrating mortality risks and the adaptiveness of hibernation. Frontiers in Physiology, 11: 706.
Viblanc VA, Schull Q, Stier A, Durand L, Lefol E, Robin JP, Zahn S, Bize P, Criscuolo F. 2020. Foster rather than biological parental telomere length predicts offspring survival and telomere length in king penguins. Molecular Ecology, 29: 3154-3166.
Sosa S, Dobson FS, Bordier C, Neuhaus P, Saraux C, Bosson C, Palme R, Boonstra R, Viblanc VA. 2020. Social stress in female Columbian ground squirrels: density-independent effects of kin contribute to variation in fecal glucocorticoid metabolites. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 50.
Roth JD, Dobson FS, Criscuolo F, Uhlrich P, Zahariev A, Bergouignan A, Viblanc VA. 2019. Subtle short-term physiological costs of an experimental augmentation of fleas in wild Columbian ground squirrels. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222: jeb203588.
Stier A, Schull Q, Bize P, Lefol E, Haussmann M, Roussel D, Robin JP, Viblanc VA. 2019. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial responses to stress exposure suggest that king penguins are naturally equipped to resist stress. Scientific Reports, 9: 8545.
Lemaire B, Viblanc VA, Jozet-Alves C. 2019. Sex-specific lateralization during aggressive interactions in breeding king penguins. Ethology, 125: 439-449.
Viblanc VA*, Schull Q*, Roth JD, Rabdeau J, Saraux C, Uhlrich P, Criscuolo F, Dobson FS. 2018. Maternal oxidative stress and reproduction: testing the constraint, cost and shielding hypotheses in a wild mammal. Functional Ecology, 32: 722-735. * Co-first authors
Schull Q, Viblanc VA, Dobson FS, Robin JP, Zahn S, Cristofari R, Bize P*, Criscuolo F*. 2018. Assortative pairing by telomere length in king penguins and relationships with breeding success, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96: 639-647.​ * Co-senior authors​​
Viblanc VA. 2018. Macrophysiology as a poweful tool for evaluating metapopulation stress and the effectiveness of conservation actions. Functional Ecology, 32: 232-233.
Schull Q, Robin JP, Dobson FS, Saadaoui H, Viblanc VA*, Bize P*. 2018. Experimental stress during moult suggests the evolution of condition-dependent and condition-independent ornaments in the king penguin. Ecology & Evolution, 8: 1084-1095. * Co-senior authors
Viblanc VA*, Schull Q*, Cornioley T, Stier A, Ménard JJ, Groscolas R, Robin JP. 2018. An integrative appraisal of the hormonal and metabolic changes induced by acute stress using king penguins as a model. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 269: 1-10. * Co-first authors
Bize P, Daniel G, Viblanc VA, Martin J, Doligez B. 2017. Negative phenotypic and genetic correlation between natal dispersal propensity and nest defence behaviour in a wild bird. Biology Letters, 13: 20170236.
Hayes LD, Ebensperger LA, Kelt DA, Meserve PL, Pillay N, Viblanc VA, Schradin C. 2017. Long-term field studies on rodents. Journal of Mammalogy, 98: 642-651.
Schull Q, Viblanc VA, Stier A, Saadaoui H, Lefol E, Criscuolo F, Bize P & Robin JP. 2016. The oxidative debt of fasting: evidence for short to medium-term costs of advanced fasting in adult king penguins. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 219: 3284-3293.
Viblanc VA, Gineste B, Robin JP & Groscolas R. 2016. Breeding status affects the hormonal and metabolic response to acute stress in a long-lived seabird, the king penguin. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 236: 139-145.
Viblanc VA*, Pasquaretta C*, Sueur C, Boonstra R & Dobson FS. 2016. Aggression in ground squirrels: relationships with age, kinship, energy allocation and fitness. Behavioral Ecology, 27: 1716-1725. * Co-first authors
Schull Q, Dobson FS, Stier A, Robin JP, Bize P & Viblanc VA. 2016. Beak colour dynamically signals changes in fasting status and parasite loads in king penguins. Behavioral Ecology, 27: 1684-1693.
Rubach K, Wu M, Abebe A, Dobson FS, Murie JO & Viblanc VA. 2016. Testing the reproductive and somatic trade-off in female Columbian ground squirrels. Ecology & Evolution, 21: 7586-7595.
Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Murie JO & Dobson FS. 2016. Kin effects on energy allocation in group-living ground squirrels. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85: 1361-1369.
Saraux C, Chiaradia A, Salton M, Dann P & Viblanc VA. 2016. Negative effects of wind speed on individual foraging performance and breeding success in little penguins. Ecological Monographs, 86: 61-77.
Passuni G, Barbraud C, Chaigneau A, Demarcq H, Ledesma J, Bertrand A, Castillo R, Perea A, Mori J, Viblanc VA, Torres-Maita J & Bertrand S. 2016. Seasonality in marine ecosystems: Peruvian seabirds, anchovy and oceanographic conditions. Ecology, 97: 182-193.
Viblanc VA, Dobson FS, Stier A, Schull Q, Saraux C, Gineste B, Pardonnet S, Kauffmann M, Robin JP & Bize P. 2016. Mutually honest? Physiological ‘qualities’ signaled by color ornaments in monomorphic king penguins. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 118: 200-214.
Le Vaillant M, Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Le Bohec C, Le Maho Y, Kato A, Criscuolo F & Ropert-Coudert Y. 2015. Telomere length reflects individual quality in free-living adult king penguins. Polar Biology, 38: 2059-2067.
Viblanc VA, Smith AD, Gineste B, Kauffmann M & Groscolas R. 2015. Modulation of heart rate responses to acute stressors througout the breeding season in a colonial seabird, the king penguin. The Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 1686-1692.
Bordier C, Saraux C, Viblanc VA, Gachot-Neveu H, Le Maho Y & Le Bohec C. 2014. Inter-annual variability of fledging sex ratio in king penguins. PLoS one 9(12): e114052.
Le Maho Y, Whittington JD, Hanuise N, Pereira L, Boureau M, Brucker M, Chatelain N, Courtecuisse J, Crenner F, Friess B, Grosbellet E, Kernaléguen L, Olivier F, Saraux C, Vetter N, Viblanc VA, Thierry B, Tremblay P, Groscolas R & Le Bohec C. 2014. Rovers minimize human disturbance in research on wild animals. Nature Methods 11: 1242-1244.
Viblanc VA, Gineste B, Stier A, Robin JP & Groscolas R. 2014. Stress hormones in relation to breeding status and territory location in colonial king penguin: a role for social density? Oecologia 175(3): 763-772.
Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Malosse N & Groscolas R. 2014. Energetic adjustments in freely breeding-fasting king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus): does colony density matter? Functional Ecology 28(3): 621-631.
Stier A, Viblanc VA, Massemin-Challet S, Handrich Y, Zahn S, Rojas ER, Saraux C, Le Vaillant M, Prud'Homme O, Grosbellet E, Robin JP, Bize P & Criscuolo F. 2014. Starting with a handicap: phenotypic differences between early- and late-born king penguin chicks and their survival correlates. Functional Ecology 28(3): 601-611.
Tettamanti F & Viblanc VA. 2014. Influences of mating group composition on the behavioral time-budget of male and female Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) during the rut. PLoS one 9(1): e86004.
Viblanc VA, Bize P, Criscuolo F, Le Vaillant M, Saraux C, Pardonnet S, Gineste B, Kauffmann M, Prud’Homme O, Handrich Y, Massemin S, Groscolas R & Robin JP. 2012. Body girth as an alternative to body mass for establishing condition indexes in field studies: a validation in the king penguin. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85(5): 533–542.
Viblanc VA, Smith AD, Gineste B & Groscolas R. 2012. Coping with continuous human disturbance in the wild: insights from penguin heart rate response to various stressors. BMC Ecology 12:10.
Viblanc VA, Valette V, Kauffmann M, Malosse N & Groscolas R. 2012. Coping with social stress: heart rate responses to agonistic interaction in king penguins. Behavioral Ecology 85(5): 1179–1185.
Jozet-Alves C, Viblanc VA, Romagny S, Dacher, M, Healy SD & Dickel L. 2012. Ontogenic study of side-turning preference in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Animal Behaviour 83(6): 1313-1318.
Dobson FS, Viblanc VA, Coline CM & Murie JO. 2012. Kin selection in Columbian ground squirrels: direct and indirect individual fitness. Molecular Ecology 21: 524-531.
Viblanc VA, Mathien A, Saraux C, Viera V & Groscolas R. 2011. It costs to be clean and fit: energetics of comfort behaviour in breeding-fasting penguins. PLoS one 6(7): e21110.
Saraux C, Viblanc VA, Hanuise N, Le Maho Y & Le Bohec C. 2011. Effects of individual pre-fledging traits and environmental conditions on return patterns in juvenile king penguins. PLoS one 6(6): e20407.
Le Maho Y, Saraux C, Durant JM, Viblanc VA, Gauthier-Clerc M, Yoccoz NG, Stenseth NC & Le Bohec C. 2011. An ethical issue in biodiversity science: the monitoring of penguins with flipper bands. Comptes Rendus Biologie 334: 378-384.
Viera VM, Viblanc VA, Filippi-Codaccioni O, Côté SD & Groscolas R. 2011. Active territory defence at a low energy cost in a colonial seabird. Animal Behaviour 82: 69-76.
Saraux C, Le Bohec C, Durant JM, Viblanc VA, Gautier-Clerc M, Beaune D, Park Y-H, Yoccoz NG, Stenseth NC & Le Maho Y. 2011. Reliability of flipper-banded penguins as indicators of climate change. Nature 469: 203-206.
Raveh S, Heg D, Viblanc VA, Dobson FS, Coltman DW, Gorrell JC, Balmer A & Neuhaus P. 2010. Male reproductive tactics to increase paternity in the polygynandrous Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65(4): 695-706.
Viblanc VA, Arnaud C, Dobson FS & Murie JO. 2010. Kin selection in Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus): littermate kin provide individual fitness benefits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277: 989-994.
Viblanc VA. 2019. On the physiology of group-living and its evolutionary consequences. Habilitation to Direct Research. University of Strasbourg. Feb 2019.
Viblanc VA. 2011. Coping with energy limitation, social constraints and stress in a colonial breeder, the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). PhD Thesis. University of Strasbourg. Nov 2011.
Book chapters
Dobson FS, Viblanc VA. 2017. Fitness. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Eds. Vonk J, Shackelford TK. Springer.
Published abstracts
Stier A, Schull Q, Viblanc VA, De Margerie E, Zahn S, Handrich Y, De Buffrenil V, Erbrech A, Guerin N, Martrette J-M, Groscolas R, Criscuolo F, Bize P, Robin JP. 2015. How do adults and chicks of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) face nutritional constraints while breeding or growing? Acta physiologica 214: 87.
Viblanc VA, Stier A, Reichert SE, Handrich Y, Massemin S, Criscuolo F, Bize P, Robin JP. 2014. Reproduction in the king penguin: constraints imposed by colonial breeding and a long chick-raising period. 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo (Japan). Ornithological Science 13 (Supplement): 447.
Published data sets
Viblanc VA, Schull Q, Stier A, Durand L, Lefol E, Robin JP, Zahn S, Bize P, Criscuolo F. (2020) Data from: Foster rather than biological parental telomere length predicts offspring survival and telomere length in king penguins. figshare doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12249902
Sosa S, Dobson FS, Bordier C, Neuhaus P, Saraux C, Bosson C, Palme R, Boonstra R, Viblanc VA. (2020) Data from: Social stress in female Columbian ground squirrels: density-independent effects of kin contribute to variation in fecal glucocorticoid metabolites. figshare doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11949078
Lemaire B, Viblanc VA, Jozet-Alves C (2019) Data from: Sex-specific lateralization during aggressive interactions in breeding king penguins. figshare doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7893707
Viblanc VA*, Schull Q*, Roth JD, Rabdeau J, Saraux C, Uhlrich P, Criscuolo F, Dobson FS (2017) Data from: Maternal oxidative stress and reproduction: testing the constraint, cost and shielding hypotheses in a wild mammal. Dryad Digital Repository doi: 10.5061/dryad.s8045
Schull Q, Dobson FS, Stier A, Robin J, Bize P & Viblanc VA (2016) Data from: Beak colour dynamically signals changes in fasting status and parasite loads in king penguins. Dryad Digital Repository doi:10.5061/dryad.5j40q.
Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Murie JO & Dobson FS (2016) Data from: kin effects on energy allocation in group-living ground squirrels. Dryad Digital Repository doi: 10.5061/dryad.50hk0.
Bordier C, Saraux C, Viblanc VA, Gachot-Neveu H, Beaugey M, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C (2014): Data from: Inter annual variability of fledgling sex ratio in king penguins. figshare doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1228056