Studying the Social Determinants of Phenotype in group living animals
Vincent A. Viblanc

Research in behavioural ecophysiology is fun. You get to ask all sorts of important questions about why animals do what they do, and how it is they do it. And more often than not, you find all kinds of crazy answers that lead you to formulate a whole bunch of other exciting questions !

And the beauty of it, is that you do not do this alone. You get to exchange and clash ideas with super bright people, finding answers together that help advance our knowledge (as mankind) of our natural world - and make no mistake: this is knowledge we need for - as someone super smart once said - the more we know, the better we may take care.

So, if you are interested in the topics discussed on this website, or more generally about behavioural and physiological ecology, I would be more than happy to bounce ideas around with you ! With this said, if you are a student or a young professional just setting out in the business, there are a few things you should know

Collaborating with people, exchanging ideas and being willing to have someone prove you wrong and change your mindset is essential. And what better way to do so than by welcoming new students and collaborators ?!
If you are interested in looking for funds together, please get in touch.
Lists of potential funded opportunities will be advertised here, as they become available.
Money does not grow on trees (fortunately). But, whereas funds may at times be limited, despair not ! Depending on the project, it is possible to apply to different funding agencies that may be willing to support the research. So, if you've got an exciting project, if you are willing to write up a proposal to try and getting it funded, and if you think you could benefit for working with us: please get in touch ! But before, be tactical, think of a plan !
a PhD in france
PhDs in Biology are typically 3-years long in France. They are working contracts in their own right, during which the PhD candidate is paid a monthly salary of roughly 1300-1600 €. Whereas it is not compulsory to teach while doing a PhD in France, it is recommended to do so if the candidate has a view of pursuing towards an assistant professor/professor position later on. Salaries are either paid by the French government as part of a PhD fellowship program (competitive exam each year) or via research funds of the PI. As a rough idea, the cost of a PhD salary over a period of 3 years is roughly 100,000 €. PhD students are enrolled in a graduate school to which they refer throughout their PhD.
for what it's worth
Students: HAVE A PLAN ! Avoid coming to researchers with willy-nilly attitudes such as "I love animals" (we all do) or "money grows on trees" (it does not). Read the research, and think hard about an interesting question. What are the hypotheses, what are the predictions? What are we learning from the research? Is the experimental design solid? Think about how you are going to collect data and how complex it will be to acquire. Think about how costly it will be to collect and analyse? Read up about your potential advisor: (will she/he be a good advisor? does she/he have the expertise to advise you properly?). Get in touch with previous students, make up your own opinion. Read about the lab and set your expectations. It is important to realise that this is a great line of work, but also one that requires commitment and time. Money is hard to come by, competition is tough and positions are scarce. So be prepared to help look for funding, and know what to expect. Don't be competitive in a territorial way. Get excited and not frustrated by others' research. A proactive, positive and cooperative attitude will go a long way... and you will feel good about yourself too !
Some funding possibilities
A list of 62 possible funding agencies can be found here
Another great list of 170 funding agencies compiled by Deter Lukas is available here
The French ministry has a program to support handicapped students
Every year, there is a very competitive exam (need excellent grades) for University Fellowships
Chateaubrian Fellowship Program (for US citizens)
more as I learn about them...
The above are provided as a service, they may not all be up to date. Please be kind, and let me know if you find a glitch, or if a funding source is no longer accurate.