Studying the Social Determinants of Phenotype in group living animals
Vincent A. Viblanc

Current students & postdocs
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The research briefly presented in these pages is the result of many collaborations with outstanding scientists. Meet them and their research interests by visiting their pages !

Anaïs Beauvieux, Postdoc
Camille Lemonnier, PhD.
Justine Wintz, PhD.​

Past students & postdocs

Samuel Laporte, MSc. 2024
Anouch Tamian, PhD. 2023
Alexandra Scheubel, MSc. 2023
Lou Giovannini, BSc. 2023
Tracey Hammer, PhD. 2022
Camille Lemonnier, MSc. 2021
Martin Quque, PhD., 2021
Sebastian Sosa, Post-Doc. 2020
Anouch Tamian, MSc. 2020
Jeffrey D Roth, PhD. 2019
Charly Ferreira, MSc. 2019
Thibaut Barra, MSc. 2018
Thibaut Barra, MSc. 2017
Nina Cossin-Sevrin. MSc. 2017
Marie Pfister. MSc. 2017
Mélanie Combecque. MSc. 2017
Charlotte Récapet, Post-Doc. 2016
Cristian Pasquaretta, Post-Doc. 2016
Quentin Schull, PhD. 2016
Juliette Rabdeau, MSc. 2016
Iris Prinet, MSc. 2016
Catherine Petel-Langevin, BSc. 2017
Emeline Billy, MSc. 2015
Claire Périé, Engineer. 2014
Maud Marty, BSc. 2014
Lucile Bovet, MSc. 2012
Laure Catin, MSc. 2012
Andrew Smith, MSc. 2011
Victorien Valette, MSc. 2010
Collaborators (not extensive !)
F Stephen Dobson. Auburn University, USA
Jan O Murie. University of Alberta, Canada
Rudy Boonstra. CNS. University of Toronto, Canada
Peter Neuhaus. University of Calgary, Canada
Shirley Raveh. University of Glasgow, Scotland
Phoebe Edwards. Iowa State University, USA
Madan Oli. University of Florida, USA
David Koons. Colorado State University, USA
Charlotte Récapet. University of La Rochelle, France
François Criscuolo. IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Claire Saraux. IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Fabrice Bertile, IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg France
Frédéric Angelier, CEBC, CNRS, Villiers-en-Bois, France
Meagan Dewar, Federation University, Australia
Dominique Filippi, Sextant Technology, New Zealand
Pierre Bize. University of Aberdeen, Scotland UK
Quentin Schull. MARBEC, IFREMER, Sète, France
Jean-Patrice Robin. IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Antoine Stier. University of Glasgow, Scotland
Andre Chiaradia. Philip Island Nature Park, Australia
Fabrice Bertile, IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg France
Yves Handrich, IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg France
Charles-André Bost, CEBC, CNRS, Villiers-en-Bois, France
Thierry Boulinier, CEFE, CNRS, Montpellier, France
Tom Hart, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Guillaume Desoubeaux, INSERM, Tours, France
Frédéric Angelier, CEBC, CNRS, Villiers-en-Bois, France
Meagan Dewar, Federation University, Australia
Josefa Bleu. IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Sylvie Massemin. IPHC, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Christelle Jozet-Alves. University of Caen Normandie, France
Jérôme Bourjea. MARBEC, IFREMER, Sète ,France
Quentin Schull. MARBEC, IFREMER, Sète, France
Cristian Pasquaretta. University of Toulouse, France