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2019. Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR). University of Strasbourg, France.

2011. PhD Biology. University of Strasbourg, France.

2008. MSci. Biology. University of Strasbourg, France.

2006. BASci. Biology. University of Caen, France / University of Joensuu, Finland.

stuff to click on
professional trajectory

2023-present. Scientific Advisor for long-term studies. CNRS-INEE

2021-2023. Responsable of polar project ECONERGY, French Polar Institute 

2020-present. Team leader, Ethology and Evolutionary Physiology, IPHC

2020-present. IUCN. Member of the penguin specialist group

2020-22. Member of the Ethics review panel for use of animals in research projects (CREMEAS-APAFIS) 

2017-present. Researcher. CNRS (CRCN). IPHC-DEPE, France 

2014-2016. Commissionned Researcher. Contrat Longue Durée CNRS. IPHC-DEPE, France.

2012-2014. Post-Doc. Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology. University of Montpellier II, France.

2011-2012. Post-Doc. Department of Ecology and Evolution. University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

2010-2011. Teaching Assistant. Faculty of Psychology, University of Strasbourg, France.

2008-2011. PhD candidate. Department of Ecology, Physiology and Ethology. University of Strasbourg, France.

acquired funds

2025-28. Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR. Research Grant with M Giraudeau, M Rousseau, C Schaeffer

2020-22. IdEx grant with C Saraux

2020. Financial contribution of Le Vaisseau (Conseil Départemental du Bas-Rhin) for science communication project.

2019-20. IdEx grant for science communication project "Université & Cité".

2019. Institute of Advanced Sciences University of Stasbourg Grant for science communication project.

2019. IPHC Grant for science communication project.

2018-21. Région Grand Est and Eurométropole Research Grant with FS Dobson.

2018-20. Institute of Advanced Sciences University of Stasbourg Research Grant with FS Dobson.

2018. Royal Society International Exchange Grant with N Boogert.

2017-18. Fyssen Research Grant.

2017. The Company of Biologists. Conference Organisation Grant.

2016-19. PICS-CNRS USA-Canada.

2015. Travel Grant. 2nd World Seabird Conference.

2013. Travel Grant. Société Française pour l'Etude du Comportement Animal.

2012. Postdoctoral research grant. AXA Research Fund.

2011. Travel Grant. Société Française pour l'Etude du Comportement Animal.

2011. Postdoctoral research grant. Fondation Fyssen.

2010. Travel Grant. 7th International Penguin Conference.

2010. Travel Grant. Pacific Seabird Group. 1st World Seabird Conference.

2009. Marie Curie Initiatives. Summer School in Ecology and Biodiversity. Bialowieza, Poland. 

2008. Doctoral Fellowship. Ministère Français de l'Education et de la Recherche.

2008. Travel bursary for higher studies (Bourse Boussole, Région Alsace).

2007. Excellency study bursary (Masters' studies). Bourse sur critères Universitaires. University of Strasbourg.

2005. Study bursary for international exchange students (undergraduate)

conferences, Symposia, workshops, seminars

- Congrès de Physiologie et Biologie Intégrative: 2015

- Colloque d'Ecophysiologie Animale: 2015, 2017, 2019

- Comité National Français des Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques: 2015, 2017, 2018

- International Ornithological Congress: 2014

- International Society for Behavioral Ecology: 2024

- Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA: 2014, 2015

- University of Toronto, Department of Biological Sciences: 2013 (invited)

- University of Bern, Institute of Ecology & Evolution, Switzerland: 2012 (invited)

- Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology: 2012 (invited)

- International Penguin Conference: 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019

- Québec Society for the Biological Study of Behavior: 2012

- Social systems: demographic and genetic issues, Paimpont, France: 2010

- World Seabird Conference: 2010, 2015 (invited)

- European Ornithologist Union: 2009, 2011, 2015 (invited)

- Behavior and Ecology Meeting SERL: 2011, 2012, 2015

- French Society for the study of Animal Behavior: 2011  

- University of Bern, Adelboden, Use of vertebrate model systems to study social evolution: 2009

- Mammal Research Institute, Białowieża, Poland: 2009 (poster)

- Phillip Island Nature Parks Reseach Station, Australia: 2009 (invited)


Journal referee for Heredity, Functional Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Biology Letters, Ibis, Ethology, Ecological Monographs, Hormones & Behavior, Animal Behaviour, Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Ornithology, Peerage of Science, PLoS One, Scientific Reports, The Condor, Ethology Ecology & Evolution , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, General and Comparative Endocrinology, Polar Biology, Frontiers in Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology

National Science Centre of Poland grants

Book chapter from The social life of greylag geese (Cambridge University Press)

Book chapter from Ecotourism’s promise and peril: A biological evaluation. Springer


Le Monde, CNRS Le Journal, CNRS zeste de sciences, National Geographic, BBC News, ABC News, Discovery News, Science News, CNRS News Briefs, Le Figaro, Live Science, Buisness Insider, Smithsonian Blog, Express, Daily Mail, The Guardian, The New York Times, Inkfish, The Scotsman

My research requires regular long-term periods of field work to acquire data on wild living animal populations. My main field research sites are situated in the Canadian Rocky Mountains monitoring Columbian ground squirrel populations and in the French SubAntarctic Isles collecting data on king penguin. When not in the field, I oversee field assistants, Msc. and PhD students working on projects that we collaboratively develop as a team. I also occasionally have the great opportunity to help out colleagues in their projects !


Columbian ground-squirrels (Canada, Alberta). 2008, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

King penguin (Crozet, French Austral Territories). 2009, 2010, 2014

Yellow-eyed penguin (New-Zealand). 2016

Alpine swift (Switzerland). 2012

Sea breams (France). 2016, 2017

media coverage
research institutions & financial support
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